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05 noviembre 2007
EEUU: la prensa impresa, en caída libre
Acaban de ser publicadas las
cifras de difusión en 2007 de los 25 principales diarios y dominicales de Estados Unidos, certificadas por la Audit Bureau of Circulations. Los datos no necesitan de mucho comentario; con un poco de color, basta.
Diario sep-07 sep-06 Variación % USA Today 2.293.137 2.269.509 1,04% Wall Street Journal 2.011.882 2.043.235 -1,53% The New York Times 1.037.828 1.086.797 -4,51% Los Angeles Times 779.682 775.765 0,50% New York Daily News 681.415 693.423 -1,73% New York Post 667.119 704.011 -5,24% Washington Post 635.087 656.298 -3,23% Chicago Tribune 559.404 576.131 2,90% Houston Chronicle 507.437 508.091 -0,13% Newsday 387.503 410.578 -5,62% Arizona Republic 382.414 397.295 -3,75% Dallas Morning News 373.586 404.652 -7,68% San Francisco Chronicle 365.234 373.805 -2,29% Boston Globe 360.695 386.417 -6,66% Star-Ledger of Newark 353.003 363.100 -2,78% Philadelphia Inquirer 338.260 330.622 2,31% Star Tribune of Minneapolis 335.443 358.887 -6,53% Cleveland Plain Dealer 334.195 336.940 -0,81% Detroit Free Press 320.125 328.719 -2,61% Atlanta Journal-Constitution 318.350 350.159 -9,08% Portland Oregonian 309.467 310.805 -0,43% St. Petersburg Time 288.807 288.679 0,04% Orange County Register 278.507 287.204 -3,03% San Diego Union-Tribune 278.379 304.334 -8,53% St. Louis Post-Dispatch 265.111 276.677 -4,18%
Periódico dominical sep-07 sep-06 Variación % The New York Times 1.500.394 1.623.698 -7,59% Los Angeles Times 1.112.165 1.172.004 -5,11% Chicago Tribune 917.868 937.906 -2,14% Washington Post 894.428 930.620 -3,89% New York Daily News 726.305 779.346 -6,81% Houston Chronicle 693.228 692.593 0,09% Philadelphia Inquirer 662.304 682.252 -2,92% Detroit Free Press 628.839 656.953 -4,28% Denver Post/Rocky Mountain 600.229 694.053 -13,52% Star Tribune of Minneapolis 570.443 596.330 -4,34% Boston Globe 548.906 587.289 -6,54% Star-Ledger of Newark 534.128 565.640 -5,57% Dallas Morning News 523.313 566.608 -7,64% Arizona Republic 480.585 503.952 -4,64% Atlanta Journal-Constitution 475.988 523.968 -9,16% Newsday 454.194 474.749 -4,33% Cleveland Plain Dealer 445.795 446.484 -0,15% San francisco Chronicle 430.115 432.957 -0,66% Seattle Post-Intelligencer 420.587 423.275 -0,64% St. Louis Post-Dispatch 420.222 418.443 0,43% New York Post 405.486 427.264 -5,10% Milwaukee Journal Sentinel 390.840 401.379 -2,63% St. Petersburg Times 389.952 386.664 0,85% Portland Oregonian 371.386 375.757 -1,16% Baltimore Sun 364.827 380.701 -4,17%
Fuente: FAS-FAX: Top 25 Daily and Sunday U.S. Newspapers , Editor & Publisher , 5/11/2007; elaboración propia.
Etiquetas: difusión , EEUU , tendencias
Ramon Salaverria - 05 noviembre 2007 - 4:25 p. m. - [+ ]